• Question: What is the achievement your most proud of ( might not be achievement but maybe a discovery or something ) ?

    Asked by anon-292584 on 22 Apr 2021.
    • Photo: Rosie Goodburn

      Rosie Goodburn answered on 22 Apr 2021:

      I am very proud of passing my driving test because it took me five times in the end (twice when I was 18, three times when I was 23!) Likewise, the academic things I’m proud of are the things I struggled with and persevered: For example, I got a scientific article published that had taken a whole year of changes to get the editors to accept 🙂

    • Photo: Kip Heath

      Kip Heath answered on 22 Apr 2021:

      I mentor students who have finished university to help them with application and interviews. My biggest feelings of achievement are when they succeed, it definitely gives me a smile to see them succeed.

    • Photo: Ed Peake

      Ed Peake answered on 22 Apr 2021:

      Not related to work, but I once solved a rubik’s cube in 16.55 seconds 🙂

    • Photo: Ross Low

      Ross Low answered on 23 Apr 2021:

      I am most proud of my black belt in Jiu Jitsu. I had to go through a very physically demanding grading that involved a room full of people all trying to attack me. I had to prepare for a whole year to make sure I was ready and if I’d have failed, I’d have had to do it all again!

    • Photo: Steve Briddon

      Steve Briddon answered on 23 Apr 2021:

      In the end, I think the thing I’m most proud of is all of the other young scientists I’ve trained and supervised who have gone on to successful careers in research or other science jobs.

    • Photo: Lucile Crete

      Lucile Crete answered on 25 Apr 2021:

      What I am the most proud of is how I now get to be scientist, while I used to be terrible at science back at school! I avoided science subjects for my A-levels because I was struggling a lot with these and was much better at humanities and languages. But once I got to university, I did everything I could to catch up on my science knowledge. It was hard work, but it paid off! 🙂

      On a more personal level I am very proud to have been brave enough to leave my home town in France to come live and work in the UK. I was very shy and quite scared of the outside world up until my early twenties, but felt that I needed to push myself to get past it and be more confident. And it completely changed my life! 🙂

    • Photo: Neil Guthrie

      Neil Guthrie answered on 27 Apr 2021:

      When I was studying my MSc back in 2010, football teams weren’t allowed to wear any sort of wearable technology during games. I was able to use GPS units during a competitive academy match to analyse the players movement patterns and was one of the first to do this which is pretty cool!
