• Question: What did you discover that know body else knows

    Asked by anon-292581 to Ross on 28 Apr 2021.
    • Photo: Ross Low

      Ross Low answered on 28 Apr 2021:

      There are too many things to count! Every day I run experiments and get new discoveries. not all of them are groundbreaking or really interesting but it might be a new gene that nobody has seen before or a new type or strain of a parasite. You can read more about the parasite we found here if you like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXJLri9VYCs

      I don’t get to be the only one who knows for long! one of my jobs as a scientist is to share what I find with everyone else. The way we do that is by publishing papers or writing articles (or by answering questions on I’m a Scientist 🙂 ).
